We are pleased to share with you the latest news and developments from India, the Pro-AV industry and the tech ecosystem. Here are three top stories you cannot miss.
Developments in India
India becomes fastest vaccinating country in world; Administers over 10 crore doses of COVID-19 vaccine in 85 days
The country has achieved the landmark of administering over 10 crore vaccine doses in a record time of 85 days surpassing the vaccination rate of all other countries in the world including that of the USA and China. Read more here.
Govt IT Spending in India to grow 11.4% to $7.3 billion in 2021: Gartner A national covid vaccination drive, the first-ever digital census and the shift to online learning are the factors increasing government IT spending this year. Read more here.
Soon in Delhi - virtual schools with global standards
The Delhi government has constituted a six-member committee comprising school principals, teachers and IT officials to study the best global practices in virtual schooling and submit a blueprint for the national capital's virtual school, officials said. Read more here.
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