We are pleased to share with you the latest news and developments from India, the Pro-AV industry and the tech ecosystem. Here are three top stories you cannot miss.
Developments in India
GMR Hyderabad International Airport uses video analytics to enhance passenger safety amid COVID-19
To ensure COVID-19 pandemic protocols compliance at the airport, GMR Hyderabad International Airport (GHIAL) implemented Queue Management Systems combining IoT security cameras and AI video analytics to reduce waiting time at passenger touchpoints.Read more here.
Railways plans using 5MHz spectrum to boost mobile train radio communications
The spectrum will provide long term evolution (LTE) based seamless communication between staff on running trains and traffic controllers and maintenance personnel. Read more here.
Smart enforcement app for trucks launched to reduce logistics costs: ComMin
The app would help decrease the number of physical checks of commercial vehicles by enforcement officers; reduction in the number of cash challan by issuing e-challan; and higher revenue collection. Read more here.
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